Augmentative and Alternative Communication

All people need and deserve an effective, meaningful way to communicate their wants, needs, thoughts, preferences, and feelings to those around them. When this communication does not happen easily through oral speech, Augmentative and Alternative Communication strategies can bridge that gap and help someone reach their full communicative potential.


I have extensive experience working with pediatric clients presenting with complex communication profiles and needs. Using adapted assessment tools, parent report, and creative problem solving, I employ as many different strategies as it takes to find one that works best for a given client. These strategies include:

  • Low-tech communication supports such as picture symbols, single message voice-output devices, eye-gaze boards, picture exchange systems, and PODD communication systems
  • Mid-tech communication supports such as picture display boards, simple voice-output devices (GoTalks)
  • High-tech communication supports such as communication software on tablets and/or dedicated speech generating devices (e.g., Tobii Dynavox, Prentke Romich, Novachat systems)

Please fill out my contact form to request more information about Augmentative and Alternative Communication services.